Thursday, October 30, 2008

Lesson Learned

So, Sunday my hard-drive crashed. Not a happy day around here. You see, we have a one-year-old, whose pictures have not been backed up. I'm diligent about downloading from my memory card to the computer, but have no idea how to back them up onto a CD. I'm now going to learn. We don't know yet if we've lost everything, just a little bit, or nothing at all. I'm absolutely sick about the possibility of not having pictures of Max's first year. Thank goodness for blogs and grandpas. Because of them, if we have lost everything (pray with me!), I at least have these two sources for some pictures. So, learn from me, BACK UP YOUR PICTURES!


DaNeil said...

I hope that you can get your information. Good luck and we will pray for you!

Susy said...

Oh gosh. I am sick for you. We recently got an external hard drive for that reason. Oh, I hope you haven't lost those precious moments.

Gale Family said...

I feel for you. I lost a bunch of pictures of colten's first few months. It makes you sick. Wish you luck. Hopefully you didn't loose them all.