Tanner finished off his spring soccer a couple of weeks ago. I love watching Tanner play because he's SO into it. When he scores a goal he's all over the place high-fiving his coach and teammates, and when he misses one, he's equally dramatic. He's a quick little guy, so he maneuvers around the others pretty well.
Tan-man was able to start playing machine-pitch this year (much to our relief! One can only handle so much t-ball.). He had his first game this past Saturday and did great! He played second base and was able to make the out on the one ball that was hit to him. He had three hits and made it to base each time. This is the first year they've let six year olds play (with 7 & 8 year olds), so we didn't quite know what to expect, but he held his own. Now, we're at the baseball fields every single day watching one of the boys. Good thing I enjoy it!
My Mason is playing machine pitch this year too. Maybe we'll play each other at some point.
Tanner is such a cute boy! I would love to see him play, because I'm sure he is awesome for a six-year-old. I'm so jealous that you get to live at the ball parks - I'm sure my day will come.
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