movement! You'd think from
experienc-ing the crawling thing with my other three kids that I would know what I'm getting myself into and dread this day. Instead we're doing alot of cheering! He just started crawling yesterday, so he's still very turtle-like. I think it's pretty, darn cute. It's almost like he has to really think about it; he does hand, hand, knee, knee. So fun for now. I'm sure by next week I'll be cursing this stage. He now says "dadadada" (on accident, I'm sure) and will sit and carry on a little conversation. He's up to eight teeth and has a mouthful! He adores his siblings and totally lights up when they walk into the room. No one can get him laughing better than them. We love him to pieces! Enjoy some of my favorite pics from this past month!
Hey Lindsay,
I happened upon your blog through Kathryn's. I have just recently started blogging and would love to invite you to mine. I went private because some guy from Japan commented on how cute my family was and how he just loved my blog. That creeped me out just a little so I immediatly went private. Send me your email and I will invite you. My email is
By the way, your little boy is a doll! I can't believe how grown up your kids are getting. It was fun to read about what you guys have been up to.
I can't believe Max is 10 months old! He is the cutest, most content baby ever. I would love to see that darling crawl. Give him a big birthday kiss for me!
Yeah for the crawler! Let all the messes begin!!! He is really such a cutie pie.
What a cutie pie, I just love his blue eyes!
He is too dang cute. I think he has his own look, not like any of the others.
Hey Lindsay,
Kinda funny, I also happened on to your blog, I'm not sure you remember me from High School or not, but thought that I would say hello, you have an cute little boy. My married name is Pratt but you would know me as Melissa Shepherd, well just thought I would say hello.
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