Well, I've been tagged by my cute cousin Kira. So, here's everything you never knew about me and more...
*What were you doing ten years ago?
It doesn't seem like that long ago! I must be getting old. I was in the home stretch of graduating from college at SUU. I was doing "the block" in the elementary education department. The block is a crash course on everything you haven't learned yet about being a teacher. Way fun, but crazy busy. I was also a few months pregnant with Treyson and preparing to be a first time mom. I was working at Christensen's trying to save money insead of buying clothes with my paycheck.
*Five things on my to-do list today:
1. Hold my sick baby as much as possible (double ear infections and borderline RSV).
2. Laundry, laundry, laundry
3. Call my cute friend Rachel (so sad we missed you in St. George!)
4. Figure out a bulletin board I have to do for PTA at the boys' school
5. Clean up Quincy's messes
*Things I would do if suddenly I were a billionaire:
1. Pay off the house
2. Invest
3. Give some to each of our parents and siblings
4. Travel
5. Shop (see bad habit below!)
*Two of my bad habits:
1. Buying too many clothes for the kids (does Quincy really need one more dress?)
2. Yelling
*Places I have lived:
1. Cedar City, Utah
2. Denver, Colorado
*Five jobs I have had:
1. Godfather's Pizza
2. Christensen's (clothing store)
3. Nurse
4. Chauffer
5. Maid
(ok, so the last three I don't get paid for, but I've only had two "pay-check" jobs!)
*Five things people don't know about me:
1. I am TERRIFIED of mice! If I see one, I even start crying! I can't even watch the movie "Ratatouille".
2. My closet has to be organized in rainbow-color order. Nate's part of the closet drives me insane!
3. I have to have some sort of chocolate everyday! I'm a little addicted!
4. I played the violin for about eight years and hope to be able to take lessons again once the kids are a little older.
5. I was bit by a dog when I was two-years-old. I tried to ride my neighbor's dog and he didn't like that too much. I'm still very cautious around dogs I don't know well.
So there you have it. I'm sure you're all enlightened. I don't know who exactly reads this, but I tag Teri Esplin and Ryan/Becca Esplin.