Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Car That Crossed The Finish Line

Being the first child, Treyson has naturally been the guinea pig for a lot of our parenting experiences. One of which was the pine wood derby. Year after year, Nate and Treyson would work hard creating a car (remember, Nate is an accountant, not a man that knows how to work complex tools), and then we would all cross our fingers and toes hoping that the car would be able to finish the race. More than once, the car didn't quite make it and a rousing pep talk would then be given to Trey about all that mattered was that he had fun and tried hard and that there were other things that he excelled in and that winning really didn't matter.

Now we're onto boy #2 in cub scouts. The block-of-wood kit was given to him as a Christmas gift from his leaders. There was an audible moan from Nate when the car was opened. Tanner immediately started brainstorming ideas of what he wanted his car to look like (none in which Nate would ever have the slightest idea how to make). Nate also started brainstorming and hit the computer. We love the world-wide-web and the items which can be purchased from people that know a whole lot more about making pine wood derby cars. Tanner actually jumped on board and loved looking at all of the cool designs. With a click of a button, Tanner's car was designed, cut, and shipped to our doorstep. In Nate's defense, by buying the car pre-cut online, he didn't do anything differently than he would have here at home. He would have had to taken the car to someone that had tools and knew how to operate them, and then have them cut it out for him. When the car came, Tanner did have to sand it, paint it, add decals, and the wheels. Everyone was happy with the outcome. Major bonus: the car crossed the finish line, each and every time. Did it take first place overall? No, but we had a smiley boy that didn't need a pep talk. Lesson learned. We'll never cut a car again. Tanner has two more years, and then Max will have three years. Just think what we'll come up with by Max's final year. I see blue ribbons in our future!


alaynamarriott said...

Yeah for Tanner! Love the way his car turned out. I bet your household was much more peaceful than it would have been if Nate had to figure out how to cut it. I'm dreading the day....but then again it's Tim who has to figure this problem out.

Anonymous said...

I remember when I was younger I got 2nd place in the Pinewood Derby. Remember that aerodynamics is key!
Also, graphite the wheels!

I am currently a Boy Scout reaching for his Eagle Rank.

PrincessDipti said...

hey dear.. wud u mind if i'll say that plz leave some comments on any of my blog posts? not in the chatterbox.. but in the posts itself.. if u dont mind.. i need it for my grade. :) thanks a lot.. i'll be looking forward for your comment :)

and plus you're most welcome to be my follower. hehe. ur own choice..

Unknown said...

Way to go Tanner! How fun for him. I can't wait for Parker's turn! Gotta love scouts.

Char and Chris said...

I have to admit that I too have been a little nervous of the time that my Tyler enters the cub scout scene for the very reason of the pine wood derby. I'm not sure Chris has a clue about this type of thing either. He's a scientist, not an engineer. When we moved to Wisconsin, we found out just how HUGE the pinewood derby is. It's such a big thing that the Elders Quorum has their own pinewood derby. They host a dinner and the whole nine yards. We'll see what Chris comes up with for next month and if his will cross the finish line.