Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Deck the Halls?
Thursday, April 28, 2011
October Birthdays
Tanner makes me smile. Of all of my kids, he is the cuddliest. He never leaves for school or goes to bed without giving me a hug. He'll sometimes just walk by and pat my back or give me a five-second massage. He loves school and is super social. He plays on a travel baseball team, as well as rec football and basketball. He's such a happy kid. So glad to have him in my life!
Max turned three in October...my baby! Max is such a funny kid that has figured out how to get anything and everything he wants. You would think that Nate's IPad was really Max's because he tends to have it more than his dad. Max loves anything rock and roll and somehow talked us into getting him drums for his birthday (as I said he gets anything he wants). His smile and dimples are contagious and he has the most amazing blue eyes.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Back to School
Fall Soccer
Pumpkins, Cookies, and Halloween
We love having our cousins live in Cedar City now!
Q (the bumblebee) and her BFF sister, Ainslee
Knowing me, you won't see me again until Winter is done. J/K... I still have birthdays and holidays galore to catch up on. Is anyone going to time me to see how soon I get them done?
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I also wanted to get some pictures of him sporting his suit. Quite handsome, don't you think?
I'm so proud of the young man that Treyson has become and his decision to receive the Priesthood. His dad gave him a wonderful blessing as he made him a Deacon. He actually was ordained the morning of his birthday and was able to pass the sacrament that day. I admit...I cried through the entire sacrament meeting. One funny story though that helped slow the tears...As Treyson was joining us on our bench after passing the sacrament, Quincy met him at the end of the bench, gave him a big high-five, and (loud enough for multiple rows of people to hear), congratulated him for not spilling the bread or water. Way to go, Trey! Love my boy and will forever be grateful that he was my first. He's an amazing example to each of us.
Monday, November 15, 2010
The next day we headed down to Ground Zero and walked through the museum there and then got on the ferry to ride over to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. Nate and I hadn't ever got off of the ferry to see the statue up close and personal, but I'm so glad we did. The statue is huge! Seeing it from the ferry and standing up next to it are two different experiences. It was also our first time to visit Ellis Island. The history that is in that building was so fascinating! I loved seeing the pictures and the items left from immigrants as they entered this country.
At the NBA Store, Trey was able to see how he would match up to Kobe Bryant.
Rockefeller Center
A birthday shout-out on American Eagle's jumbo-tron in Time Square!
We scored again on the way home when we were upgraded to first-class again. Not a bad way to fly, I've decided! The rest of the kids were so excited to see Treyson and the fun surprises that he picked out for each of them. The others are already starting to talk about where they want to go for their special birthday trip. I can't wait!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Oh, What Do You Do In The Summertime?
I think my little firecrackers are pretty dang cute!
Hangin' with the Cousins
We are so blessed to have cousins that we adore! The kids love spending time together and being wild and crazy!
We decided to get a trampoline this summer and it was definitely money well spent! The kids loved hooking the hose up to the rails to stay cool and also had many sleepovers out there.
Another of our favorite things to do is light-up the fire pit in the backyard and roast yummy marshmallows! Most of our time though is spent blowing out Max's flaming ones!
Devin and Melissa were gracious enough to host the Esplin reunion this year. We all headed over to Castledale, Utah to spend a few days together. We were able to see a rodeo, a pioneer pageant, go boating on the reservoir, and go swimming at the rec center. Plus, we did a whole lot of eating!
Whew! We made it! Hmmmm....four blogposts a year; one for each season. At the rate I'm going, that might just happen!